Monday, July 27, 2009

Hack adsense And Earn Money - Online

AdSense is the best PPC(pay-per-click) programme in the world. Because it have a higher paying rate. So if you are using AdSense for a long time and cant make any money with it. You need help. In this tutorial, you will learn what is adsense, how adsense works and how you can cheat them.To hack adsense is not easy but it is also not impossible.

How AdSense works, the basics

You put ads on your website, your visitor see those ads. and when they click on them you get money. if you are thinking that the whole thing is simple as that; then wake up, your in a dream.

Google place their ads, anyone can see them but google will start tracing them if they click on the ads. but the million dollar question is how they trace the clicker? here how they do it:

1. By Cookie.

2. By IP address.

3. By Referrer.

4. By User-agent.

5. Screen Resolution.

We will try to beat google in this tutorial. by hiding or faking those informations.

Now to the earing section. How google calculate earing. if you get your first visitor, your impression will be 1. Impression means now many times your ads are shown to the public. google will calculate the impressions and the clicks, and pay you that amount. But if your 1st visitor clicked on a ad, it will be suspicious. because google will do this calculation:

number of clicks (divided by) number of impression (%)

it will give a numerical result like 10% so google is calculating the ratio of the clicks and impressions. think that you have 13 impressions and 1 visitor clicked on a ad, so the calculation is

1 / 13% = 7.69230769

this number is called the CTR. but if you have 1 impression and 1 click your CTR will grow to 100. google will ban you if the CTR is higher then 10. [7-9 is safe]

Every ad has it own value. like an insurance ad, it is a 14$ ad. google will not pay that amount to you per click. if your CTR is 7, google will divide the amount with CTR. and you will get the result. like:

14/7=2$/per click

so getting the high paying ads are important. i will show you how to get it.


  1. haha your own blog didn't get approved for adsense and you are telling us that how to hack. go first do it for yourself you bloody liar

    1. even if his blog is not approved but his information is clear and good. dont says like it

  2. bruh !! just think
    how google adsense can aprove for a blog with domain name like this blog have !!

  3. bruh !! just think
    how google adsense can aprove for a blog with domain name like this blog have !!

  4. if you want to approve adsense faster and want to make lots of money then i have shared some articles here approve and earn lots of money byadsense

  5. Try
